VMCC 1000 bikes Mallory Park 2019

Another great year at the VMCC 1000 bikes at Mallory Park with great weather, lots of bikes to see and hear around the track. Wherever you went there was always someone who wanted to chat to you about bikes, this was a brilliant weekend and you don’t have to be a VMCC member to participate, in fact you don’t have to have a classic bike any road bike can go around the famous Mallory Park circuit, you can even join the VMCC club with a modern bike, no old bike…


March Ride Outs

Ride outs to Rivington Barn & Fettlers Wharf Once again there was a good turnout for the ride outs to Rivington lower barn and Fettlers Wharf in March. Whilst it was wet early on for the ride out to Rivington Barn on 19th March 2019 it didn’t deter these hardy classic bike riders.Fortunately, the ride out to Fettlers Wharf on Wednesday 27th March 2019 was blessed with lovely warm weather as can be seen in the following pictures.  


February 2019 ride outs

Central Lancashire Section arranged two meets during the brilliant weather in February. The first was a meet at Rivington lower barn on a nice dry day. There was a good showing of about 20 to 30 bikes. A nice natter to catch up with what everyone had been up to over the winter was accompanied by nice cup of tea and lovely cakes.The second meet was at Fettlers Wharf in Rufford, again there was a good showing on a lovely warm summer like day. There was a little confusion as…



Our North West Section Chairman Alex has also been helping a lady celebrating her 105th birthday. She loved it as can be seen in the VMCC March 2019 Journal. Alex’s letter regarding this is the journal’s Star Letter. Wow, that’s an achievement Alex. I don’t think any of us who knows Alex, is surprised how keen he was to help out this lady celebrate her 105th birthday. As we all know Alex is relentless in all he does. We are extremely lucky to have such a dedicated Chairman in the…



The club held a bring & buy sale recently and I attended with my friend Tom, neither of us had been to a bring & buy sale at the club before and didn’t know what to expect. As we didn’t know what to do, we both brought bottles of alcohol for the sale. When we arrived, we were confronted with a large table full of all kinds of items, from jigsaw puzzles to motorcycle parts. Alex had said the theme for the bring & buy sale was tramps, but again…


Leyland Truck Museum Bike Show 15th May

Alex has arranged with The British Commercial Transport Museum to hold a Vintage & Classic bike show, so please come and support this event with your beautiful motorcycles. The event is to take place on Sunday 15th May 2022.  The Leyland Truck Museum address is :-   King St, Leyland PR25 2LE        Good Afternoon Alex Re:  Vintage Motor Cycle Show – British Commercial Vehicle Museum 15th May 2022 THE MUSEUMSince your club’s last visit and show, the museum has undergone a huge transformation,including  a new heating and…


Little Tiddlers

  It was nice to see some little tiddlers there too. This 98cc Sun which looks original, with a Villiers 1F engine with 2 speed handlebar gear change, if I’m not mistaken.   Another unusual little tiddler is this Francis Barnett and I think this has a Villiers 2F engine with no gear unit, again if I’m not mistaken. I’ve always loved Villiers engines there so reliable.