N/W Roadrunner Projects
The latest train of thought is why not do a monthly newsletter on our website just to keep up to date with members projects.
I have been busy building my special from parts I’ve accumulated over the past 20+ years. It is a rigid framed BSA B31 with girder forks overbored to 400cc with hot cams, piston and flowed head. So it should be a bit of a goer, and here it is in all it’s glory. Still work in progress though. It’s a little honey. Alex

Brian Moorcroft has been busy with his 1936 Sunbeam model 9 and Triumph model H. Hopefully we’ll get some pictures of these bikes soon. Alex
Update Brian Moorcroft has provided the following pictures of his Sunbeam project as promised:
Well it looks like Brian Moorcroft has been a lot busier than Alex has reported, see Brian’s comments and pictures below: Here is my 1929 Norton model 18 as it arrived. I will forward more pictures as it’s progressed (hopefully). It has spent all it’s days in the same village near Swansea South Wales and only two owners, the first up to the late 60 as far as I can ascertain. First job was to see if it would run, as the most observant of you will have noticed there is no mag on the bike, but it had got lost somewhere in the process of getting re/furnished, a mag came with it, but it was the wrong rotation so put into the mag cupboard for when it’s needed. I had a racing mag (so good spark) ready for another project very similar to Alex girder fork B31, but with a Zb 34 Goldie motor, but that’s another story for the future. So mag fitted a squirt of carb cleaner in the bell mouth and a firm kick on the kick start and it fired. The cables were seized so not able to do much but give it another couple of squirt and keep it going with the carb cleaner for about a minute, long enough to know all was well with the old girl after being asleep for 54yrs. So that’s about it regarding the Norton apart from stripping, getting new mudguards and tank made as they both had more holes than your mum’s colander or sieve here are a few more pictures as work progressed. As you will see on the completion I decided to put a chair on the Norton which I bought several years ago at the classic bike show in Bonhams auction with the intention of putting it on my SD Triumph when I put it together, but then in a fit of madness I sold it to Alex. So it remained high up in my barn UNTILL the Norton came along, and I think they make a fine couple. It was destined to go to the Banbury Run this year with my son Keith on it and my eldest son Paul on my 1924 Ajay and me on my KSS Velo, but the virus has put paid to that. It would have been our first outing together since we finished racing with the VMCC in 1987. God willing we will do it next year if we are all still here! Brian Moorcroft |

Gordon Gaskell has been busy building his latest creation using a Kawasaki Frame with 500cc Enfield Electric start motor, which should be a lovely bit of kit going by his past machines. Again hopefully we’ll get some more information and pictures for this soon.
John Graham has rebuilt his Enfield, hopefully we’ll have more information and pictures on this soon.
Gordon Williams is cracking on with his Triton project. Gordon’s project is a 50th year anniversary from when he first built a Triton over the winter of 1969/70. Bearing in mind he didn’t ride a bike or be involved with bikes for about 46 years it a big challenge for him, but I can tell you it’s going to be a cracker. Gordon is going to provide me with an update on his project with pictures shortly. Please see Gordon’s update on his Triton project below:
Gordon Williams: My current project is to build a 50th Anniversary Triton. I built a 686cc Rickman Triton in 1970 and it’s still going strong in my brother Brian’s hands at hill climbs and sprints. The current Triton is at the dry build stage. I intend to make my own central oil tank along the same lines as the one I originally made back in 1970. The cardboard pattern is shown in the attached photo. The actual tank is currently marked out ready for cutting, forming & welding as soon as current lockdown restrictions end.
The engine is based on a 1970 Triumph TR6 but is fitted with a 750cc conversion and a 9 stud Bonneville head. This appears to have been gas flowed. I designed a pair of inlet stubs to suit Mk. II concentric carburettors that have now been manufactured and fitted. The 750cc aluminium barreled conversion has high compression pistons as fitted to those used by Boyers of Bromley in preparing works bikes for racing under the Triumph banner. I have been unable to track down specifics for the Boyer conversion (Compression Ratio, carb and other settings). Therefore, any information on the Boyer conversions would be really appreciated.
Mountings for accessories such as the oil tank, rear mudguard and electrical equipment have been made to be robust enough to meet multiple applications. Thereby saving weight & hopefully being less intrusive, so as not to look an afterthought.
Hopefully we can regain enough freedom soon to enable me to complete the triton this year. Gordon Williams
See Gordon Williams bike so far below:

I have been continuing to fettle my 1967 BSA D7 Bantam which I have doing over the last 12 months. you may well have seen it at the Rainford Junction bike show recently. The bike was left in a garden in Lymm for about 45 years before I got the bike. As you can imagine it was in a right old state, I’ve attached some pictures of the bike before and after restoration below. Don’t be fooled in thinking the engine was assembled, it wasn’t those are just empty cases all the internal parts are either on the bed sheet or in the box of rusty parts as below. Now she runs lovely, so nice to have a little 2 stroke again. Brian Williams

I’m sure other members are just as occupied so let us know what you’ve been up to during the lockdown and we’ll include in the next newsletter. Alex