Sunday12th January what a start for 2020 it was the first event of the year for the N/W VMCC. It was a wet cold morning but it didn’t keep the crowds away. We had a full Venue aided along by our Friends and colleagues from the surrounding Sections. I’ve been out of action for a couple of months with a health problem but I wasn’t too concerned because we have a great team of doers at the N/W and Jeff and his guys from Blackpool had made an early dash down to assist with any setting up duties that are required to stage an event like the Rainford show to which we are eternally grateful. These events need helpers they don’t just happen and we are so grateful to have these close ties with our friends and colleagues so a BIG THANK YOU to you all. We also had assistance from Central Lancs and the Cheshire Cats along with Cheshire and N/Wales and East Lancs so thanks to you all not forgetting our Friends from the Scarisbrick Armada. We had a fabulous Selection of bikes on Display from Autocycles to Racing outfits including Flat tankers and Specials and small two strokes alongside Manx Nortons. Thank you too also the Wirral Wobblers and Lancashire Hotpots Autocycle clubs for their attendance. See you next time. Alex