Alex has arranged with The British Commercial Transport Museum to hold a Vintage & Classic bike show, so please come and support this event with your beautiful motorcycles. The event is to take place on Sunday 15th May 2022.
The Leyland Truck Museum address is :-King St, Leyland PR25 2LE
Good Afternoon Alex (28/2/2022)
Re: Vintage Motor Cycle Show – British Commercial Vehicle Museum 15th May 2022
Since your club’s last visit and show, the museum has undergone a huge transformation, including a new heating and lighting systems throughout.
Lottery Funding & Sponsorship from major companies has permitted us to completely update and modernize the facilities we offer.
The building and its visitor attractions and displays now bring praise from ALL who visit !
Attached are some photographs showing what can now be seen . . . . . perhaps you could ask your website manager to use these in place of the outdated ones currently displayed please !! ??
Vehicle exhibits in the museum are displayed so that there is sufficient space available between them to allow visitors access around them. As with earlier craft fairs held, we can easily make space available for a really fine display of motorcycles . . . the Timeline Display around the walls permits us to locate vehicles
close to their period of manufacture.
In order to set up this display, motorcycles have to be in place and on show by 10.00 a.m. when the museum opens to the public. Access to the museum to achieve this will be available from 8.00 a.m. on the Sunday morning until 9.30 a.m., OR, also the previous day (Saturday 14th) from 3.30 p.m. It will also be possible for club members to display their machines in the museum car park . . . but ask that they do NOT remove them until 3.30 p.m. at the earliest.
. It would be helpful to know well in advance the number of machines likely to be on display inside the museum so that space can be reserved and made available for them . Also for those exhibiting outside, for the same reasons.
The museum now has a new State-of-the-Art, air-conditioned Conference Facility / Cinema. Throughout the show we will be screening films featuring vintage motorcycles. There is no charge for visitors !
We also have a brand new cafe, in pleasant surroundings offering refreshments and a choice of sandwiches, snacks, or meals.
I would appreciate it if your web master could replace old photos of the museum with some later ones taken after the refurbishment . . . as attached. I several more which I could send him/her if you advise me of his/hers email address.
Thanks Graham.
Hope to hear from you shortly.
For and on behalf of
The British Commercial Vehicle Museum
King Street, Leyland PR25 2LE