We would like to thank Paul Draper landlord of the Junction Pub in Rainford for once again allowing us to have a bike show in his very large marquee.
The event was well attended but not quite as many as in January, this was probably due to it being father’s day and the unpredictable weather. However, the weather wasn’t too bad and we had riders in and out all day. There was a great variety of bikes on display and our thanks go to all those who attended, as without you we wouldn’t have a bike show. When you look at all the bikes on display, you can see all the work that has gone into the preparation to bring them to the show, well done everyone.
The autojumble also provided a chance to search for that illusive item to complete your latest project or perhaps the start of a new project. If you are looking for a new project checkout the Items for sale/ wanted section of this website as there are a number of what look like good value items for sale.
As you can see from the photos below I have also included several aerial shots taken from a Drone Paul Draper had taken towards the end of the day, again thank you for those pictures Paul.
I think everyone who attended had a jolly good day and in my case my daughter booked a table at the Junction restaurant for us all including my 3 year old grandson. The meals were excellent and my daughter passed on our compliments directly to the chef. So regardless of whether there is a bike show on or not it’s well worth sampling the Junctions meals.

The Vintage Motorcycle Club
VMCC North West Centre
After the success of our bike show in January we will be holding another vintage and classic motorcycle show at the Junction pub on Sunday 16th June 2019 10.00am to 3.00pm
There will also be a motorbike related autojumble.
Anyone interested in taking a stall at the autojumble please contact
Alex on 07582966522
Junction Pub, 102 News Lane, Saint Helens, WA11 7JU
All are welcome to view these motorcycles