Brian’s 2nd Southport Ramble
Brian Moorcroft organised his second run around the lovely lanes of lancashire repeating the run held a week previously as some of our members were unaware of the first run on Sunday 13th. They had a lovely day of sunshine all following Covid_19 guidelines again and enjoyed the day finishing up back at Brian’s from where they had set off. I wasn’t able to attend sadly, but had been fortunate to do the first one on the 13th along with another group of smiling members. So thanks again to Brian who is one of our regular doers who keeps organising events for the rest of us to enjoy.
I fear that this could be the last run for some time owing to the limitations the government has imposed on us! This is just something that we will have to endure until we see this awful virus under control which won’t just disappear by some miracle as until it sinks in this is spread by people and not some magical unseen force. Hence the second surge in cases. But enough of me on my soapbox just take care, stay safe and follow the Covid_19 rules. ALEX