The North West VMCC meets every second WEDNESDAY – Business meeting and Last WEDNESDAY of the month is the Social Evening 8pm. We meet at the new venue which is the Mere Brow Village Hall, 65 The Gravel, Mere Brow, Preston, PR6 4JX. 20:00hrs
We currently have over 17,000 members and the number is rising. We are UK based but have members all over the world along with affiliated clubs in lots of countries. We have over 80 Sections located all over the UK and as a member you are entitled to visit/attend any one of them as long as you can produce a current membership card. As a member you can also enter any events held by and of the Sections throughout the country and abroad.
We also have overseas representatives who can advise you on events throughout the world. At our Headquarters, Allen House we have a library holding all the records from the Science Museum containing all the factory production records from British motor cycle manufacturers along with a host of information and data on the British motor cycle industry. The library is staffed full time and we can help with vehicle registration and specification details for many models. The library can be visited five days a week, where the ever helpful staff can assist you.
We undertake a variety of runs, rallies, shows, trials and many other disciplines. We can also offer good insurance discounts, help and advice from various Marque specialists and a host of other information to assist you with that restoration. We have an online shop where you can search for that elusive part and as a member you will also receive a monthly journal keeping you updated on the happenings within the club and has interesting/useful articles, hints and tips and machines/spares for sale.
You do not need to own a motor cycle to be a member, just have an interest. Membership of the club is open to all members of the family, so come along and meet us, try the club out, and make up your own mind. You will get a warm welcome and hopefully want to be part of it and join our friendly bunch.
The North West Section of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club has been running for over 50 years. We were one of the first sections formed within the VMCC. We do runs, rallies, displays and we meet twice per month at Mere Brow Village Hall, 65 The Gravel, Mere Brow, Preston, PR6 4JX.
We have 40-
The Chairman for the VMCC North West Section is John Makinson.
Our season starts in January and continues through the year with a variety of shows, events and runs, culminating in the annual Boxing Day meet. We warmly welcome new members, and you don’t have to own an event eligible bike to be a member, even if you don’t own a bike at all, you are more than welcome to come. Any make of motorcycle, from any country, over 25 years old, as of 1st January is eligible to be used in VMCC events. Even if you just have an interest, or an appreciation of two wheels (or three if sidecars are your thing!), you are welcome to join in.
So why not come along and meet us!